New Year, New Life.
I don't write much, in fact it's one of the most self-conscience and taxing activities for me.
However it's also one I have always wished I did more of, and practiced. My sense of grammar and story-telling is very limited due to the lack of writing I do.
With 2014 arriving in such a profound way, I will try and make an attempt and finally start logging my life experiences and sharing, at least to those who care, what I am about and what I like. This blog is an attempt to share my interests of Design, Spirituality and life in general. Something I feel is important to pass on to the next generation, especially your children.
That being said, this is my main motivation to write - Brittany (my partner) is pregnant and we will be expecting our first child come September. I am nervous, scared, excited and overwhelmed-all at the same time.
This was the news of the year, although it came on New Year's Eve-eve. 2014 pretty much is going to follow in the shadow and be a stepping stone for bringing in this new life.
Several events happened in 2013 that I did want to note before I got the news that will change my life forever. These were:
- In Feb I got my first full-time "office job" at an e-commerce business as a Jr.Graphic Designer.
- Moved to a slightly larger apartment in Midtown,Sacramento.
- Received many new contacts and designed many new brands for various
Organizations & Political campaigns. - Received several awards and recognitions on my work as a student at SCC.
- Was invited to participate in LOGOLOUNGE, an invite i couldn't pursue until this year.
- Met many new and wonderful Meditation Teachers and Authors through a non-profit meditation group i started 2 years ago. Unfortunately it has just been dissolved.
Anyway, I will really attempt to keep this updated. One of my favorite Designers, Aaron Draplin does a nearly daily blog, and although it's not always an extensive post it is consistent and to me that's more important.