The Angstadt family of gun makers is the dynasty of makers in Berks County. The family consisted of ten craftsmen who made complete rifles for over 100 years. Centered primarily in Maxatawny, Greenwich, and Long Swamp Townships and the Kutztown area the family consisted of:Adam 1st. – 1740 -1812 Peter Angstadt 1st. – 1738 – 1782 Peter Angstadt II – 1763 -1815 Joseph Angstadt – 1765 – ? Jacob Angstadt – 1783 -1843 Joseph Angstadt II – 1817 – 1872 Abraham Angstadt – 1784 – 1868 Peter Angstadt III – 1807 – 1870 Adam Angstadt II – 1821 – 1888Although each of the Angstadt makers had their own style, similarities can be found and most Angstadt rifles are readily identified after some study. A common characteristic of their design could be defined as Pennsylvania “Dutchy”, with many of their guns as much folk art as firearm. Design motifs seen on some Angstadts have included unusual stars, flowers, lions and even hex signs, along with unique patch box designs.
The Pipe Tomahawk is a part of American history and has been made by some of the rifle-smith artisans who were active in building the American long rifles in the18th century. Some of the high art tomahawks were presented to the chief of a tribe as a gesture of friendship. Possession of one of these tomahawks became a status symbol.
Peter Angstadt was responsible for the now known "Angstadt Tomahawk" amongst collectors.
Currently a farm stands in Fairfield Iowa, from what I know it's been there almost 100 years. (Angstead Family Farms)
My grandfather, Delmar Lee Angstead moved to Los Angeles and had 2 children.
My father, David Lee Angstead Jr. was an applicant and drop out of Disney's Imagineers and eventually became a window and sign painter in the bay area and northern California area for 15 years before he passed away.
Family Coat of Arms
The Tail represents my daughter, who was born 2 months ago, her name is Lorelai Penelope Angstead and Lorelai is a name of mermaid in ancient lore, this combined with the water element harkens back to my direct line being my Grandfather, who's name was Delmar which translates to "of the sea"
First of all, let me explain the name and meaning behind it.
Angrycity does just sound awesome, like some hardcore band from the 90's.
It's actually a loose translation of my family name, Angstead.
The Angstead line came from Alsace Lorraine, France in the mid 1600's
originally spelled several different ways:
- Angstadt (most widely known)
- Angstet
- Angsted
- Angstatt
- Anstat
Name change from Angstadt (angstatt) to Angstead came around
The name translates to 'Angst' – Fear or Anger in American English.
'Stadt' – A city, dwelling or town.
Using this name with the translation as such represents the nature of my design style, designing with intention and a meaning that can go as deep as we want it to.
The first known ancestor Hans George Angstadt (variously spelled Angstet, Angsted, Angstatt, Anstat) arrived in 1733 from Gumbrechtshoffen, North Alsace, aboard the Richard and Elizabeth. He was born in 1696.
He was trained in Saxony and lived in Gumbrechtshoffen, Alsace Lorraine where he married. He came to Philadelphia.
With him were sons Georg (6 yrs.) and Johannes (1 yr.). He had two other sons born in Berks County, these being gunsmiths Peter (ca. 1737) and Adam (ca. 1740).
He opened his gun shop on the Lobachsville Pike in Rockland Township, Berks County in 1747.
After doing a little research I found out that the Typographical link to my family was pretty significant, to say the least.
The font used for the primary logo is a font based off of Gutenberg's bible.
Caslon was a dead ringer due to it's connection to Gutenberg, France and the year it was created.
Bebas is a perfect companion due to it's legibility and it's very German influenced type-design.